Wednesday 10 November 2021

I Brush, But I Don't Like To Floss!


From the very first dental visit, a child is given instruction to brush and floss their teeth on a twice daily basis. In a good situation, this mandate is revisited every six months and for a majority of people the instructions are followed for a few days to a few weeks after the cleaning. After that it is sporadic flossing at best. Before they know it, they have one week before their cleaning. People will either confess at the cleaning, or go the other way and try to do 5 months of flossing in the last week in an attempt to fool the hygienist into thinking they've been diligent. Let me tell you, it is rare that the hygienist is ever fooled.

If you looking for dental treatment contact with our dentist near wardha road, we provide best services in nagpur.

Most cite the fact that flossing hurts, or it causes the gums to bleed, or it hurts their fingers, or fill in the blank for an excuse. Truth is, if you don't floss you will get gum disease and or cavities. It is only a matter of time.

Most of the common problems found during a routine examination by the hygienist or dentist have their beginnings between the teeth. It is no coincidence that periodontal disease affects 70-80% of adults in one form or another. Without flossing, the bacteria in the mouth colonize and proliferate in the gum tissue between the teeth where the tooth brush does not reach.

Most of the cavities that affect teeth are in between the teeth, again where the tooth brush does not reach. By leaving the bacteria to grow and remain undisturbed, they are allowed to eat food left between teeth and later produce waste products. These acidic waste products dissolve holes in the teeth. Without flossing, the bacteria is not removed properly.

Your personal hygienist can easily teach you how to remove the plaque from in between your teeth with a flossing technique that is surprisingly easy to learn. Nothing is better than flossing the teeth. There are floss holders, plastic picks, tiny brushes, and a host of other devices meant to get in between the teeth. There are even oral irrigators that can spray water between the teeth in an effort to remove bacteria. The only way to remove the plaque consistently and efficiently is with flossing. Other methods can be used to add to the flossing, but all attempts to replace flossing are lacking.

Bottom line, there are no short cuts to good oral health. Dedicating a few minutes each day to proper oral home care will prevent gum disease, cavities, and costly remedies to these common problems. A twice daily routine of flossing and brushing properly can help most anyone maintain a healthy and happy mouth.

Welldent Dental clinic is a state-of-the-art dental practice in Nagpur. The practice is centered around total patient care with an emphasis on healthy, happy patients. Orthodontics with Fastbraces, Implants with Nobel and Neoss, Whitening with Nite White, and cosmetic dentistry are the core of the practice offerings.

Article Source: EzineArticles

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