Tuesday 21 September 2021

Are You Thinking About Having A Denture?


When you think about having dentures, your thoughts can overwhelm your common sense. Why? This is because you may tend to focus your thoughts and fears on the negative aspects of the procedure that can be seen as a major change in your life. Let me explain:

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When I was nine years old I got my first denture due to an accident that broke my two front teeth. While wearing that denture, I went through lots of mental anguish. Then, one day as I looked in the mirror, I noticed how much better my smiling face looked with my false teeth in (denture) as compared to without the denture.

That experience forced me to realized what a handsome guy I really was with my denture in place! That unexpected revelation changes my whole outlook on life from then on. By the way, I am now 87 and I am still wearing a denture that I am, by now, quiet accustomed to and happy to wear.

Would I rather have my natural teeth instead of a denture? You can bet your life I would, but that is not a choice I have. These days I know I am always going to be wearing a denture in my mouth; a denture that I know makes my smiles look pretty good to others. The major benefit of wearing a denture for the rest of my life is that I look much better and feel physically better with the denture than I could possibly look and feel without it.

Now let me say this to you: If and when it becomes necessary, as a result of your dentist's advice, for you to have some or all of your natural teeth extracted - go for it! Don't hesitate even for one minute. Get a second opinion if you want to, but then tell the dentist to proceed, get it all behind you as soon as possible.

Why? Because you need to focus your attention on your future and the many benefits of: oral health, a beautiful smile, no more cavities, better digestion and enhanced health for your whole body for the rest of your life.

Those are all desirable and positive benefits of wearing a good-looking denture that can now be yours.

In short, you need to think clearly about the many positive benefits of wearing a denture in your mouth from now on.


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