Wednesday 10 November 2021

What Do You Know About Dental Anxiety?


Feel a nagging pain in your jaw or mouth but also feel a corresponding knot form in the pit of your stomach at the thought of heading to the dentist to get it checked out? You are not alone. Studies show that around 15 % of Americans suffer from some degree of anxiety, sometimes even rising to the level of a phobia around the thought of submitting to the ministrations of a dentist or dental professional. Unfortunately, succumbing to this fear can lead not only to a gnarly smile that is embarrassing and, perhaps, stinky, but also to a detrimental overall effect on your health. Here are a few tips on how to persevere and overcome your fear of the dentist's chair when next you are in need of a checkup, cleaning, or even a more involved procedure such as a filling or root canal.

For additional information on root canals contact your  Dentist today. If you are seeking cosmetic information, contact with our cosmetic dentist near wardha road for additional dental advice.

From simple embarrassment at the state of your teeth to paralyzing fear of the expected pain that might come from the dentist's drill, there are a plethora of reasons that people are afraid to go to the dentist. First and foremost, if you are scared, talk to your dentist about it. Chances are, he has a way to set your mind at ease. If you are embarrassed about your teeth, he can assure you that he's seen worse, and trust me, he has. Even if you do have the most jacked-up smile the dentist has ever seen, and you don't, the only way to fix it is to... you guessed it... GO TO THE DENTIST. If it's the pain that concerns you, your dentist can first assure you that it's usually not as bad as you expect. During dental procedures you are generally nice and numb, and post-procedure pain can usually be managed effectively with over the counter medications like ibuprofen. If you're having more involved work done, then your dentist can prescribe a more powerful pain reliever for the first few days post-procedure.

What about during the procedure? Won't it hurt when that drill is in my mouth, going at my teeth? That, my friend, is what Novocain is for. Your dentist has at his disposal powerful numbing medications to ensure that you don't feel any pain while he is working on your smile. Again, if you are particularly sensitive or have concerns about the pain, talk to your dentist before the procedure. Ask your dentist if you can close your eyes and/or wear headphones during the procedure. Not only will this help with any pain you might otherwise "psych yourself into" feeling during the procedure, but it can also help deal with any fear you may have of the instruments or needles themselves. If you have a fear of the needles used to administer the numbing medications, or are sensitive even to the initial pain of the numbing medication, again, TALK TO YOUR DENTIST, as other medications like nitrous oxide or numbing gels can be used to minimize even this discomfort from the get-go.

In short, there are as many reasons to fear the dentist as there are dental patients, but the only way to overcome your particular brand of dental anxiety is to talk to your dentist about it. Be up-front with him or her, and work with your dentist. Today's dental professionals have a wealth of tools at their disposal to help make sure your experience at the dentist is pain free and completed with minimal anxiety before, during, and after the procedure.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Invisalign Can Give You a Brand New Smile


When it comes to your smile, one of the best things you can do to keep it intact and looking good is to have it maintained by your dental professional. Even though you may have the best dental hygiene in the world, if you don't take the time to have your teeth and gums checked, you could end up wanting to smirk instead of grin. It doesn't matter if your teeth are crooked. In many cases, crooked teeth are something that are genetically inherited or are caused by overcrowding over time. If your teeth aren't straightened, you could end up suffering from a whole myriad of conditions such as speech impediments, eating disorders, and general discomfort. You don't have to live with a crooked smile. Talk to your dentist about whether or not you will be a good candidate for Invisalign.

For those interested in Invisalign, dentist near wardha road can help you determine if you'd be a good candidate. Get on your way to a better smile by visiting our dental clinic.

Many people tend to put off getting braces because of the stigma that often goes along with them. Even though you may not want a mouth full of metal, there is no reason for you to avoid getting your teeth correctly spaced and situated in your mouth. You don't have to get metal braces and retainers put in. Invisalign is a product that offers you the same benefits of braces, with one major improvement. You can't see them. That means no one will be able to tell you have them on and you can get your teeth straightened out without having to experience some of the common complaints that are usually associated with traditional braces.

Invisalign is not for everyone, and it is important to consult with an orthodontist if you are considering getting them. Your oral health will need to be assessed and the organization of your teeth will need to be looked at. Even though it is suggested that the age that benefits most from having any type of braces is 23 years or younger, anyone can still get them if they qualify. If you want to get your teeth straightened out, don't waste time by procrastinating. Make an appointment to see your regular dentist and they can put you in touch with an orthodontist that offers Invisalign.

There are a few things you need to be considerate of before you get these invisible braces. Even though you can't see them, that doesn't mean that you won't experience some feelings of discomfort that are common with any type of braces. Even though Invisalign fits over your existing teeth, you may experience some pain, tightness, and pulling. You are generally expected to wear them a significant amount of time during the day and night. Many dental professionals recommend up to 22 hours to receive the best results in the least amount of time possible. The more you wear them, the easier it will before you to adjust to them and they will start to feel more comfortable over time. You may need to be fitted several times throughout your treatment, to ensure you get the smile you want.

Article Source:  EzineArticles

I Brush, But I Don't Like To Floss!


From the very first dental visit, a child is given instruction to brush and floss their teeth on a twice daily basis. In a good situation, this mandate is revisited every six months and for a majority of people the instructions are followed for a few days to a few weeks after the cleaning. After that it is sporadic flossing at best. Before they know it, they have one week before their cleaning. People will either confess at the cleaning, or go the other way and try to do 5 months of flossing in the last week in an attempt to fool the hygienist into thinking they've been diligent. Let me tell you, it is rare that the hygienist is ever fooled.

If you looking for dental treatment contact with our dentist near wardha road, we provide best services in nagpur.

Most cite the fact that flossing hurts, or it causes the gums to bleed, or it hurts their fingers, or fill in the blank for an excuse. Truth is, if you don't floss you will get gum disease and or cavities. It is only a matter of time.

Most of the common problems found during a routine examination by the hygienist or dentist have their beginnings between the teeth. It is no coincidence that periodontal disease affects 70-80% of adults in one form or another. Without flossing, the bacteria in the mouth colonize and proliferate in the gum tissue between the teeth where the tooth brush does not reach.

Most of the cavities that affect teeth are in between the teeth, again where the tooth brush does not reach. By leaving the bacteria to grow and remain undisturbed, they are allowed to eat food left between teeth and later produce waste products. These acidic waste products dissolve holes in the teeth. Without flossing, the bacteria is not removed properly.

Your personal hygienist can easily teach you how to remove the plaque from in between your teeth with a flossing technique that is surprisingly easy to learn. Nothing is better than flossing the teeth. There are floss holders, plastic picks, tiny brushes, and a host of other devices meant to get in between the teeth. There are even oral irrigators that can spray water between the teeth in an effort to remove bacteria. The only way to remove the plaque consistently and efficiently is with flossing. Other methods can be used to add to the flossing, but all attempts to replace flossing are lacking.

Bottom line, there are no short cuts to good oral health. Dedicating a few minutes each day to proper oral home care will prevent gum disease, cavities, and costly remedies to these common problems. A twice daily routine of flossing and brushing properly can help most anyone maintain a healthy and happy mouth.

Welldent Dental clinic is a state-of-the-art dental practice in Nagpur. The practice is centered around total patient care with an emphasis on healthy, happy patients. Orthodontics with Fastbraces, Implants with Nobel and Neoss, Whitening with Nite White, and cosmetic dentistry are the core of the practice offerings.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Planning Your Dental Budget: Factors Influencing Root Canal Treatment Costs in Nagpur

  Root canal treatment is a common dental procedure aimed at saving a tooth that is infected or severely decayed. It involves removing the d...