Saturday 30 April 2022

Good Oral Hygiene, Your Key To A Beautiful Smile


Have you lost your self confidence because of a swollen gum or a wobbly tooth that seems to come off as you speak? Dental hygiene plays a vital role in keeping the vitality of your teeth and the surrounding tissues. Dental hygiene refers to the care of the teeth and other mouth tissues, keeping them healthy and devoid of disease. The gums and the periodontium or the tissue that immediately surrounds each tooth and attaches it to the underlying bone are the other tissues of the mouth that benefit from good dental hygiene. There are various diseases and disorders that can affect the teeth, gums and periodontium. The most prevalent of these diseases are dental decay and periodontal disease.

If you looking for best dental clinic in nagpur then,Visit our Dental Clinic in Vivekanand Nagar to get more information about dental health.

Dental decay or dental caries affects more than 95% of the total population of the United States alone and is probably the most common human disorder. Dental decay is due to the acid formed by the bacteria that are naturally present in the human oral environment. The bacterial interaction with sugar and starch forms acid that causes enamel degradation. Refined sugar and starch are two of the most common substances in a human diet where the acid forming bacteria thrive. Colonies of these oral bacteria often concentrate themselves in the gap between the teeth and in natural pits and fissures of the teeth. These are also often found in dental plaque, the yellowish sticky film that attaches to the tooth surface. Once the acid dissolves the enamel, the hard protective covering of the teeth, the development of dental decay becomes faster as it penetrates into the softer layer of dentin. Dentin is the organic inner portion of the teeth.

Periodontal disease is a result of a chronic irritation in the gums and the periodontal tissues. Pyorrhea, the advanced form of periodontal disease, is the main cause of tooth loss among adults. The accumulation of dental plaque on the teeth surfaces is pinpointed as the main causative factor in the development of periodontal disease. Dental plaque, when left on the teeth even after brushing and flossing, will calcify or harden and will eventually become dental calculus or dental tartar. Unlike dental plaque that can be removed through adequate tooth brushing and proper dental floss techniques, dental tartar requires professional removal by a dentist or a dental hygienist. Dental tartar harbors bacteria so that oral prophylaxis is important in order to remove the accumulated dental tartar in the teeth. Aside from dental plaque, other factors may lead to periodontal disease. Factors including broken teeth, large decayed areas of the teeth, bruxism or teeth grinding, the bad habit of biting on hard objects such as pencils, pipe stems, bobby pins and bottle caps. In many cases, old and worn-out dentures, poorly fitting dentures and defective crowns and fillings can cause periodontal disease as well. A regular visit to the dentist is very necessary especially if you have any of these dental appliances so that these can be checked for fit and proper function.

Adequate knowledge about the importance of oral hygiene and how to keep the oral cavity clean and healthy through proper brushing and flossing techniques is necessary in order to maintain a good and healthy oral environment. These, together with a regular visit to the dentist, will ensure you a good functioning set of teeth with healthy and well kept mouth tissues.

Article Source:EzineArticles

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