Friday 4 November 2022

Oral Health and Hormones


You brush. You floss. You attend every dental appointment faithfully. So why are you experiencing red, swollen, tender gums? Hormones could be the culprit. In fact, hormone fluctuations account for many cases of gingivitis and periodontal disease. Hormones not only have a direct influence on the blood supply, but they also affect the body’s natural response to irritants and toxins. As a result of this, many patients – especially women – often experience flare-ups during certain life cycle stages.

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Puberty and Adolescence
Males and females alike experience a surge of hormones during puberty and adolescence. For girls, there is a significant increase in estrogen and progesterone. This increases blood flow to the gums, making them more likely to bleed. Boys also have hormonal changes occurring. However, gingivitis in pubescent males is often attributed to a lack of oral hygiene.
To combat gingivitis during puberty, an increase in oral hygiene can be extremely helpful. More frequent dental cleanings will also remove plaque deposits and reduce the chance for inflammation.

Many women experience menstruation gingivitis, due to hormone fluctuations. This condition is characterized by symptoms that occur a day or two before the onset of the period, and diminish once the period has started. Symptoms associated with menstruation gingivitis may include red, swollen gums, canker sores, swollen salivary glands, and bleeding when flossing.
Birth Control Pills
Progesterone is a hormone included in many birth control pills. Because these oral contraceptives increase the levels of progesterone in the body, the gums are more susceptible to inflammation. If you are taking birth control pills, it is important to let your dentist know.

During pregnancy, there is a rush of hormones that affect the body. Increased levels of progesterone can result in pregnancy gingivitis or gum disease at any point between the second and eighth month. Let your dentist know if you are pregnant. If you begin to notice swollen, tender, or bleeding gums, more frequent dental cleanings can prevent the problem from worsening.

When a woman enters menopause, there are several changes that can occur regarding oral health. There is usually a decrease in estrogen production, which increases the risk for bone loss. If the density in the jawbone is compromised, it can lead to mobility or tooth loss later on. This may be characterized by gum recession, which leaves the teeth roots exposed and vulnerable to decay.
As women age, they also take more medications. Certain prescription drugs can cause dry mouth, which can significantly increase the risk for tooth decay and gum disease. If you have noticed a decrease I salivary flow, mention it to your doctor. Oftentimes, medications or dosages can be altered. There are also various products on the market that can stimulate your salivary glands and encourage saliva production.

Tips for Maintaining Optimal Gum Health
If you are experiencing gingivitis, dry mouth, or other oral health issues due to hormone fluctuations, there are a few things you can do. It is important to:
• Maintain routine dental visits. Regular checkups and cleanings can help your dentist monitor your progress and identify potential problems early.
• Eat a balanced diet, rich in fresh fruits and vegetables.
• Brush at least two times per day with a fluoride toothpaste.
• Floss at least once per day.
• Use an antibacterial mouthwash at least once per day.
• Avoid starchy foods and sugary drinks.
Learn More about Hormones and Oral Health
Hormones can wreak havoc on your oral health, but there are many ways to treat the issue. If you would like more information, please visit our Dental Clinic.

Natural Oral Care For Healthy And White Teeth


Sometimes you might see someone hesitating to smile whole heartedly, that may be because he is not having the right dental health. Natural oral care can help you bring out your most bright and radiant smile.

To learn more about their options for an orthodontist, contact with our best dentist in vivekanand nagar.

Having the correct oral hygiene is the best care you can offer for your teeth and gums. Good oral hygiene is very essential for preserving the proper functioning of your teeth.

Not only poor dental health affects your self-esteem and lowers your confidence level but also takes a toll on your physical health as well. For instance, when your mouth and gum is in a healthy state, you are at a lesser risk of having any dental disease and your overall health is at an optimum level.

Symptoms of healthy mouth:

1. Absence of swollen or tender gum
2. Absence of dental problems like gum bleeding
3. No bleeding during flossing or teeth brushing
4. Pleasant breath and absence of bad breath or known as halitosis

Poor Oral health diseases: 

1. Gastrointestinal problems: Any kind of bacterial infection in the mouth and gum can lead to stomach problems like improper bowel discharge, intestinal failure, and gastric ulcer.
2. Cold sores: itchy and painful mouth blisters caused by virus called herpes simplex virus.
3. Gum disease: Gum diseases can cause oral bleeding, inflammation, swelling, formation of plague, teeth yellowing, dry mouth and other such diseases.
4. Bad Breath: Poor dental health habits can cause bad breath or halitosis as it is also known as, is the unpleasant odor from the mouth due to bacteria buildup between teeth.
5. Cardiovascular Disease: Plaque gains entry from the mouth to the heart, arteries, and blood vessels. Plaque usually builds up in the blood vessels. This build up leads to clogged arteries and blood clots.
6. Oral Cancer: Poor dental health can cause fatal oral cancer like throat cancer, cancer of lips, and soft palate of mouth, tongue and cheek.

Natural homemade teeth whitening products:
Natural oral hygiene products are safe to use as they are free of chemicals that are responsible for degrading the quality of your teeth.

1. Hydrogen Peroxide: Hydrogen Peroxide is a commercial bleaching product used as a natural disinfectant and teeth whitening product. You can use half warm water and half hydrogen peroxide, move around in your mouth for about one minute, and then rinse finally.
2. Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda: Mix a small quantity of hydrogen peroxide with a small volume of baking soda and make a paste that can helps eliminate plaque from teeth and provide natural teeth protection.
3. Use Apple cider vinegar: Is an effective natural gum and teeth cleanser that can remove coffee and nicotine stains from teeth. You can apply it using your finger and rubbing it on your teeth for about one minute before rinsing with water or hydrogen peroxide solution.
4. Always brush after eating and drinking: If you are a coffee drinker or a smoker, you are sure to develop discolored and stained teeth over the time. Always, develop the habit of drinking a glass of plain water after meals and also brushing on a daily basis after every meals and drinks.

5. Activated charcoal: Activated charcoal is commercially used as the best teeth whitening powder, to remove plague, teeth stains, avoid gum diseases and to overall improve your oral hygiene. Break the charcoal capsule to get the powder, then wet a toothbrush and dip into powder to brush for about three minutes in a circular motion before finally rinsing with warm water. For quick results, apply activated charcoal two to three times in a week.

Teeth-whitening products can damage the teeth by enamel thinning, so buy activated charcoal teeth whitener which works as a natural magical agent to whiten your teeth organically.

Activated charcoal because of its absorbing and binding property to chemicals has emerged as the best teeth whitening powder to whiten teeth naturally and maintaining proper oral hygiene.

Monday 9 May 2022

What Works for Oral Health?

Recently, within the last seven days actually, I purchased a HydroFloss. A what? Well, it is sort of like a high powered waterpik that uses magnetized minerals that naturally occur in tap water.

If you looking for best dental clinic in nagpur then,Visit our Dental Clinic in Vivekanand Nagar to get more information about dental health.

Why? For starters, I'm tired of my dentist complaining about my gingivitis which has now become mild to moderate periodontal disease. Will a Hydro Floss change that? I honestly don't know, yet. Based on what I've read about them, it may be possible. I'm a skeptic by nature though, but I'm also curious enough to try out different things. Sometimes that strategy works for me and sometimes it doesn't.

I've had a lot of problems with dentists over the years. I don't believe that all dentists are completely honest. In fact, I had a dentist tell me that I had a 'trouble spot' that she wanted to drill into. I went to another dentist who didn't appear to detect any problem or any 'trouble spot' at all. That was after waiting six months. If there was a problem that was going to get worse, it certainly didn't do so.

Another time, a dentist cheerfully suggested a root canal for a pain I was having in a tooth. I declined. In less than two weeks, that pain went away and never came back, without a root canal being done. That was about 14 years ago. I've heard stories from people who went to a dentist to be told that they had several cavities. Upon visiting a different dentist they were told they had none!

I find this trend disturbing. I go to a dentist to maintain my teeth and gums and to make sure that I keep the teeth with minimal damage to the gums. So when unnecessary procedures are recommended, I find it a little annoying. I should be able to trust my dentist but instead, I view her much like I view a car dealership when taking my car in for service. Watch the wallet or get taken. I shouldn't have to feel that way about my dentist. But I do.

One of the best sales presentations I have ever seen was that of a dental hygienist. She wanted to sell me a 'root scaling and planing'. During this procedure they anesthetize your gums and use metal instruments to scrape and scale along the root to remove plaque under the gumline.

I bet it hurts a lot when the anesthesia wears off. I was told this was the 'only' way to get rid of plaque under the gums. Since I declined the procedure, they wanted me to sign a waiver in case I lost my teeth as a result of not undergoing their prescribed treatment. I viewed this as another scare tactic. It also motivated me to find another solution.

Like I said before, I have only had my Hydro Floss for a week, but I like the results I'm seeing so far. When finished using it, I feel like my gums have just had a good massage and it only takes a few minutes to go over my entire gumline.

I asked my dentist what she thought about the Hydro Floss. She wasn't convinced that it was any better than a waterpik. I decided to try it. If my dentist doesn't like it, it might actually be good for me.

I'm not interested in losing my teeth due to gum disease. I have always kept good care of my teeth. It seems that brushing and flossing are just not enough for most people to avoid periodontal disease or gingivitis. Brushing too hard can erode the gumline, precisely what I wish to avoid. I reason that if I followed the same old advice, I would get the same results.

As for the Hydro Floss, I believe I'm seeing a difference already, but I can't be sure. There are no double blind studies being conducted on my body. My results are subjective. But I think I'll know for sure in about a month. For now, I'm impressed.

If you have any questions about what your dentists finds or suggests, you may want to get a second opinion. That doesn't hurt!

Update: February 2008: Using the Hydro Floss created amazing results that left my dentist and hygienist in disbelief. The dentist said, "whatever you are doing, keep it up". My gums do not bleed during regular dental cleanings any longer. They also do not bleed, even a tiny bit, during brushing and flossing.

This article is for information purposes only. It is not meant to offer advice, diagnosis, prevention or treatment of any health condition. Please see your dental or health care professional for diagnosis and treatment.

Article Source:EzineArticles

Saturday 30 April 2022

Good Oral Hygiene, Your Key To A Beautiful Smile


Have you lost your self confidence because of a swollen gum or a wobbly tooth that seems to come off as you speak? Dental hygiene plays a vital role in keeping the vitality of your teeth and the surrounding tissues. Dental hygiene refers to the care of the teeth and other mouth tissues, keeping them healthy and devoid of disease. The gums and the periodontium or the tissue that immediately surrounds each tooth and attaches it to the underlying bone are the other tissues of the mouth that benefit from good dental hygiene. There are various diseases and disorders that can affect the teeth, gums and periodontium. The most prevalent of these diseases are dental decay and periodontal disease.

If you looking for best dental clinic in nagpur then,Visit our Dental Clinic in Vivekanand Nagar to get more information about dental health.

Dental decay or dental caries affects more than 95% of the total population of the United States alone and is probably the most common human disorder. Dental decay is due to the acid formed by the bacteria that are naturally present in the human oral environment. The bacterial interaction with sugar and starch forms acid that causes enamel degradation. Refined sugar and starch are two of the most common substances in a human diet where the acid forming bacteria thrive. Colonies of these oral bacteria often concentrate themselves in the gap between the teeth and in natural pits and fissures of the teeth. These are also often found in dental plaque, the yellowish sticky film that attaches to the tooth surface. Once the acid dissolves the enamel, the hard protective covering of the teeth, the development of dental decay becomes faster as it penetrates into the softer layer of dentin. Dentin is the organic inner portion of the teeth.

Periodontal disease is a result of a chronic irritation in the gums and the periodontal tissues. Pyorrhea, the advanced form of periodontal disease, is the main cause of tooth loss among adults. The accumulation of dental plaque on the teeth surfaces is pinpointed as the main causative factor in the development of periodontal disease. Dental plaque, when left on the teeth even after brushing and flossing, will calcify or harden and will eventually become dental calculus or dental tartar. Unlike dental plaque that can be removed through adequate tooth brushing and proper dental floss techniques, dental tartar requires professional removal by a dentist or a dental hygienist. Dental tartar harbors bacteria so that oral prophylaxis is important in order to remove the accumulated dental tartar in the teeth. Aside from dental plaque, other factors may lead to periodontal disease. Factors including broken teeth, large decayed areas of the teeth, bruxism or teeth grinding, the bad habit of biting on hard objects such as pencils, pipe stems, bobby pins and bottle caps. In many cases, old and worn-out dentures, poorly fitting dentures and defective crowns and fillings can cause periodontal disease as well. A regular visit to the dentist is very necessary especially if you have any of these dental appliances so that these can be checked for fit and proper function.

Adequate knowledge about the importance of oral hygiene and how to keep the oral cavity clean and healthy through proper brushing and flossing techniques is necessary in order to maintain a good and healthy oral environment. These, together with a regular visit to the dentist, will ensure you a good functioning set of teeth with healthy and well kept mouth tissues.

Article Source:EzineArticles

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